The Pakistan Registry of Intensive CarE (PRICE)
Our partners in Pakistan (led by Dr Madiha Hashmi) have successfully founded a multi-centre critical care registry for Pakistan. Modeled on a methodology for registries in the region , the Pakistan Registry of Intensive CarE (PRICE) has two key aims;
● To assess the quality of existing critical care in the region using routine information
● To develop, facilitate and evaluate a series of locally led quality improvement (QI) interventions to improve ICU performance and patient outcome
PRICE is an electronic real-time surveillance platform based on methods designed and successfully implemented in Sri Lanka and locally supported by SEARCH -South East Asian Research in Critical care Health - a charity promoting investigator-led research in the region.
Harnessing routine service and clinical information, PRICE (established in 2017) currently collaborates with 33 ICUs from 5 administrative regions of Pakistan, providing information on over 13,000 episodes of care. More collaborations are planned!
The collaboration is now supporting individual sites to utilize the registry to evaluate existing care with a focus on patient’s quality of life and recovery for survivors of ICU and their families. In doing so, it seeks to identify patient centered priorities for improvement and clinical research.
Progress of the registry, and our experiences of implementation have been published in the ICS’s peer reviewed journal JICS.
Along with other critical registries in South and South East Asia, PRICE is a co-founding member of ‘Critical Care Asia’. A Wellcome Trust and MORU project, the Collaboration for Research, Implementation and Training in Intensive CARE (CRITIcal CARE Asia), seeks to improve the quality of critical care in the region.
To know more about some of the exciting work that these groups are leading, follow them on twitter: @AsiaCritical