Global collaboration of acute care clinicians and researchers.
The International Forum for Acute Care Trialists (InFACT) was launched in 2008 as a network of investigator-led clinical research groups and academic institutions whose focus is the optimal care of critically ill children and adults. Our members include 32 organizations from around the world, spanning a spectrum of research foci, structural formality, and experience.
Executive Committee
Dr. John Marshall, Chair
Dr. Steve Webb, Vice Chair
Dr. Derek Angus, Treasurer
Dr. Kathy Rowan, Secretary
Program Manager
Zahra Bhimani
Working Group Leads
Prof. Bronagh Blackwood
Dr. Bronwen Connolly
Dr. Terri Hough
Dr. Srinivas Murthy
Dr. David Wallace
Dr. Fernando Bozza
Dr. Ignacio Martin - Loeches
Dr. Steve Web
Dr. Rachel Parke
Dr. Charles Gomersall
Dr. Shay McGuinness
Member Groups
InFACT full members are established investigator-led clinical trials groups or academic research consortia who support the ideals of collaborative, collegial, and open research into the problems facing seriously ill patients. Emerging research consortia may join as affiliate members, while individual investigators who share these interests may join as non-voting members. Membership carries no financial or intellectual obligations beyond sharing the ideals of InFACT and being willing to work collaboratively to achieve these.
Acute Care for Africa Research and Training (ACART)
Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) Amsterdam
Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group (ACCCTG)
Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre (ANZICS-RC)
Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group (ANZICS-CTG)
Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network (BRICNet)
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG)
Center for Sepsis Control and Care
China Critical Care Clinical Trials Group (CCCCTG)
Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modelling of Acute Illness (CRISMA Center)
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESCIM) Trials Group
Gruppo Italiano per la Valutazione degli Interventi in Terapia Intensiva (GiViTI)
Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC)
Irish Critical Care Trials Group (ICCTG)
Kompetenz Network Sepsis (SEPNet)
Latin American Critical Care Trials Investigators Network (LACCTIN)
Latin American Sepsis Institute (LASI)
Latin America Intensive Care Network (LIVEN)
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Neurocritical Care Research Network (NCRN)
North African Network for Intensive Care Medicine Research (NANICM Research)
Prevention and Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (Petal) Network
Reseau Europeen de Recherche en Ventilation Artificielle (REVA) Network
Saudi Critical Care Clinical Trials Group
Scandinavian Critical Clinical Trials Group
Scottish Critical Care Trials Group (SCCTG)
Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC)
Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Network
South East Asian Research in Critical Care Health (SEARCH)
Spanish Society of Critical Care
TRIal Group for Global Evaluation and Research in SEPsis (TRIGGERSep)
United Kingdom Critical Care Research Group (UKCCRG)
United Kingdom Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group